Friday 5 October 2018


This morning , I took an I.Q. test after being awake all night. I registered 145 at school and my test for Aspergers is 34. I was born 55 years ago Sunday, 1 Tishrei of 7 October. I'm a Royal Davidic Messianic Jewess. My Dad's family related to the Royal family through Wettin, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha,Mountbatten line, although I accept my Jewish royal roots, as my Mum's family are of Royal Davidic Romany Gypsy Jewish line making her line Ashkenazi and my Dad's is Sephardic.

In 1963, I was born with cerebral palsy, scoliosis,fused ribcage. Two months later I was put on ice from high fever from shopping cough, which I did have, or rheumatic fever. My parent's don't recall me having the latter. Anyway, depending on how I feel affects the outcome of an I.Q. test.  I have scored 145 and a bit lower depending on how I feel , or what mood I'm in ,when I take the test. If I score higher than 145 , I will be shocked 😲 and stunned at  the results I took the test more for something to do and test of my level of Aspergers ties in with others i.q. results that are quite high. Also, the paranormal experiences were in some cases related to Aspergers i.q. that tend to be high , along with my thesis negative type O blood. O- to be precise is said to be tied to paranormal experiences.